February 2, 2023
Meet the Caramel Heartthrob
Wanna know how?! Step 1 Mix 1x tbs of Ground Pleasures Pink Salted Caramel Chocolate with 1x shot of Espresso Step 2 Fill a 16oz (475ml) glass with ice, a scoop of vanilla ice-cream and 200ml of your favourite milk Step 3 Add the Espresso mix into the glass Step 4 Mix well and add whipped cream on top and a dusting of chocolate powder Step 5 Add a straw and Happy Valentines Day!  Enjoy on your own or add 2x straws and enjoy with a special someone!
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One of Brew Coffee Roasters' talented Baristas
January 11, 2023
What’s New at Brew?!
Wanna know more?! Process: Washed Region Area: Dimtu, Worka Sakaro Variety: Heirloom Varieties Wet mill: Worka Sakaro Producer: Gizaw Alemayehu Altitude: 1800-2212 Masl Coffee/Producer: This lot is produced by the epic team at G&F (Gizaw and Frehiwot). Alemayehu (Gizaw’ s father) produced coffee from his large privately owned coffee farms in the surrounding areas of Yirgacheffe. Gizaw shifted his focus from producing to coffee processing, supplying in a modern approach in pursuit of his father’s vision with his wife, Frehiwot. This regional lot is supplied by more than 400 smallholders’ that live on the slopes of a mountain called Rudu. Cherries are handpicked, sorted, and then delivered to Gizaw’s washing station where they are further sorted into grades using density channels, fermented for 36-72 hours, washed, floated for defects, and then sent to raised drying tables for 8-15 days or until desired moisture content is reached (11.5%). Tasting notes: Lychee, juicy-sweet apple Roast: Light for Filter Brewing Methods Sourced by: Utopia Coffee Get the best out of your brew… Got an Aeropress on hand?! Here’s how James, our GM, reckons it’s best done. What you need… Aeropress Aeropress Filter Paper Grinder Your Favourite Brew Coffee (11g) Kettle Off Boil Filtered Water (200g) Scale Timer Your favourite mug Step 1 Put the Aeropress filter paper into your Aeropress. Step 2 Grind 11g of coffee on a medium to fine setting and place in the Aeropress. Gently settle grounds. Step 3 Start timer and gently pour 200g of water just off the boil in a circular motion, making sure all the coffee grounds are wet. Step 4 Immediately place the plunger on top of brewer about 1cm in, creating a vacuum to stop the coffee from dripping through. Step 5 Wait 2 minutes. Step 6 Grab the Aeropress and gently swirl. Step 7 Press down gently all the way, it should take 30 seconds. Step 8 Sit back, relax, sip & enjoy! Brew Time:  Your brew time sound be around the 2.5 minutes. Happy brewing, friends. Be sure to let us know your thoughts.
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Brew Coffee Roasters' delicious, award-winning Perth coffee beans used for an Espresso Martini
May 6, 2022
The Best Espresso Martini Recipe
Ingredients & Tools 40ml vanilla vodka 20ml Kahlua 20ml espresso (cooled) Coffee beans to garnish Ice Cocktail shaker with strainer Chilled cocktail glass   Instructions Place vodka, kahlua and espresso in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously 10 times then strain quickly into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with coffee beans and serve immediately.
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Brew Coffee Roasters' award-winning coffee beans ready to roast
May 3, 2022
Feel Good About Your Coffee
Roasting Before we even start roasting, we source ethical and sustainable green coffee beans. We work closely with our suppliers and in turn our farming families to ensure we are doing all that we can to support initiatives and organisations such as Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, Young Farmers Project, and certified organic farming practices. The hessian bags our green bean shipments are delivered in can be repurposed and are available free of charge through our café front. Most commonly used for arts & crafts projects, but also in the garden, garage and shed. Our Brambatti coffee roaster is fitted with an afterburner which converts all carbon dioxide and other fumes such as VOC, SOx and NOx created in the roasting process into liquid oxygen, so there are no damaging emissions released into the air. We recycle our coffee roasting by-product by working with a local third-party business converting it to compost and mulch. Our busy café sends off all its spent coffee grinds weekly for the same process. Coffee doesn’t just make people happy but also your plants. Packaging All our coffee packaging is moving to soft plastic recyclable by mid-April 2022. We partner with EcoBarista, which provides us with their sustainable coffee packaging product. The bag is designed to be deposited in the REDcycle collection sites at major supermarkets across Australia – just make sure to remove the valve before depositing. The bags are repurposed into more useful things like road bases and park furniture. All our coffee cups, carry trays, food trays, carry bags, straws and napkins are made from sustainably sourced paper from managed plantations. Our cups have an Ingeo lining made from plants and not oil. Our lids are also an Ingeo bioplastic product – both cups and lids are certified commercially compostable. We encourage the use of keep cups/byo coffee cups in our café and offer a discount for each coffee purchased using one. We stock a range of Frank Green keep cups and water bottles – sustainable but make it classy. Our wholesale partners receive their coffee delivery in tin barrels rather than plastic tubs. What can you do as a coffee consumer? BYO keep cup, carry tray and shopping bag. Choose to purchase coffee with the rainforest alliance, fairtrade, certified organic or young farmers logo and REDcycle your used coffee bags. “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children.” Native American Proverb
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Meet Scott Lund, Brew Coffee Roasters' Master Roaster.
March 9, 2022
Meet Our Master Roaster
Over the last few years, Scotty’s passion, attention to detail and hard work have been rewarded with gold, silver and bronze medals for our blends and single origins. What is a master roaster? In a nutshell a coffee expert, part scientist, part artist. Scotty has an extensive understanding of how our roaster works and the chemical changes that occur within the coffee bean throughout the roasting process (that’s a story for another day). He also has a thorough knowledge of the types of coffee and their provenance and a great sense of smell. Scott and Brew have come a long way in 10 years, from roasting only once a week in the early days to now roasting daily, supplying not only our busy in-house café but cafes across Perth as well as select grocers and food markets. What does a typical day look like for Scotty? Operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting our Brambatti workhorse, keeping on top of our green bean supply, creating and batch roasting new recipes, cupping roasts for quality control, ordering and receiving inventory, overseeing production and packaging, and overseeing the training of our packing whizz Riley on the Brambatti (padawan Riley must complete over 200 roasts before we let him loose unsupervised on the Brambatti). Scotty also drives a mean forklift. Thinking you might like to become a coffee roaster? The best place to start is as a Barista – Brew offers barista fundamental classes weekly – head to our website for availability. Visiting Brew? Have a chat with any of our amazing front-of-house staff, and they’ll steer you in the right direction. Scotty’s Go-To’s What’s your go-to coffee? – Long mac Who’s your favourite musician? – Bruce Springsteen Favourite AFL Team? – North Melbourne What’s your favourite movie? – The Big Lebowski Favourite Brew Coffee? – PNG Purosa Organic
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Delicious Perth filter coffee from Brew Coffee Roasters
February 17, 2022
Costa Rica Dota Tarrazu
Hailing from the Santa Marta de Dota region in Costa Rica, Dota Tarrazu is a full & buttery bodied coffee with hints of peach & brown sugar. That’s my tasting notes – James (our op’s manager/all things coffee expert) calls milk chocolate & stone fruit. However, your palate tastes it – put simply, this coffee packs a punch. Being grown at high altitude, and located in a cloud forest the mineral-rich, moist soil gives this coffee its dense, super-rich flavour. Tarrazu is not only home to great coffee but also many endangered species – including the Quetzal (a pretty cool-looking bird) – with most of the land also under conservation. When visiting our café you can try our Dota Tarrazu in-house – we recommend it served as an espresso or long black, but will tolerate milk well. Can’t get in store, visit our online store – available in 250g, 500g or 1kg bags. Unfortunately, this coffee is only around for a good time not a long time. Get around it! NB – Keep an eye out for a new single origin being added to the Brew family soon.
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